
Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation Scholarships

Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation Scholarships
Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation Scholarships


Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation Scholarships



Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation (KCSF) scholarships are awarded annually to exemplary post-secondary students, enabling them to pursue their educational and career aspirations. This exceptional program is made possible by the unwavering support and generous gifts from our donors, who share the vision of nurturing the success of our next generation of leaders. KCSF is fortunate to be able to award around 30 scholarships worth over $130,000 in total scholarship amounts each year.


Who Can Apply

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. They are not a previous KCSF scholarship recipient.
  2. They are enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited post-secondary school/institution during the 2023-2024 academic year.
  3. They are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or hold a student visa.
  4. They are of Korean heritage or are able to evidence a significant and meaningful connection to the Korean community.


  1. First-Year Undergraduate Scholarships – Only first-year undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
  2. Upper Year Scholarships – Any student, who meets the criteria listed above and has completed at least 1 full academic year at a post-secondary institution in Canada or abroad, is eligible to apply.
  3. All scholarships are evaluated based on the following categories: Academics, Leadership, Community Involvement, Essay, and Personal Evaluation.
  4. Some scholarships may have additional requirements.


How Do I Apply

  1. Complete the Online Application Form here.

KCSF has partnered with Kaleidoscope to provide applicants with a seamless and streamlined way to submit applications. Once you register with a valid e-mail address, you will be able to save your progress and make edits to your application until it is submitted.


  1. Submit the Required Supporting Documents.

It is strongly advised that students carefully review the list of supporting documents, which must be attached as separate documents on the Online Application Form (link in Step 1 above). The required supporting documents are:

  1. a)       Proof of full-time registration at an accredited post-secondary school/institution for the 2023-2024 academic year
  2. b)      Official transcripts for the last 2 full academic years (2021-2022 and 2022-2023) from all former and current post-secondary schools/institutions (whether a degree was granted or not) or high school. Note: Only official transcripts will be accepted for consideration.
  3. c)       2-3 reference letters – A minimum of 2 reference letters are required. One reference letter from a school professor or teacher is mandatory, and one letter from your place of employment and/or one letter from your volunteer/leadership organization would be ideal. Reference letters should be written by people who have direct knowledge of your character, ability, attitude, potential, and future aspirations. Hard copies of the reference letters will not be accepted. Reference letters from family, friends, and relatives are not appropriate and will not be considered. Note: You have the option to either (a) directly upload the reference letter within the online application form (strongly preferred method), or (b) ask your referee to directly send their reference letter to KCSF via e-mail at, using the following subject line format: “Reference Letter for [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] – [Institution Name]” (e.g., “Reference Letter for John Lee – University of Toronto). If you choose option (b), we will not be able to notify you when or if the letter is received. In this case, we strongly recommend confirming with your referee directly to ensure that their letter reaches KCSF by the deadline.
  4. d)      Resume (maximum 2 pages) – Outline your education, work experience, extra-curricular/leadership activities, and other accomplishments.
  5. e)      Essay – All applicants must submit an essay on the online application form. First Year Undergraduate Students will answer either the Donald Choi Essay question or the General Scholarships Essay question (please refer to the Note below). All other applicants will answer the General Scholarships Essay question.


Application Guidelines

Scholarship Application Guidelines

  1. All sections of the scholarship application form must be completed, and all required documents must be submitted by the deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  2. You do not need to specify which particular scholarship you are interested in. By submitting an application, you will automatically be considered for all scholarships that you are eligible for.
  3. The application deadline is November 30, 2023, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET).
  4. In April 2024, a letter and/or e-mail will be sent to the scholarship recipients notifying them about the outcome of their application, and a list of scholarship recipients will be posted on the KCSF website.
  5. If successful, all scholarship recipients will be expected to provide a short video message, thank you message to the donors, headshot, and bio. They will also be expected to attend a mandatory virtual Awards Ceremony in May 2024. Detailed information will be shared with the scholarship recipients later. APPLY



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