
EB3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs USA: How to Find and Apply for Them

If you are a foreign worker who wants to work and live in the US permanently, you may be interested in the EB3 visa category. The EB3 visa is an employment-based immigrant visa that allows skilled workers, professionals, and other workers to obtain a green card and become lawful permanent residents of the US. However, to qualify for the EB3 visa, you will need to find and apply for a job that offers EB3 visa sponsorship in the US. In this article, we will explain what EB3 visa sponsorship is, what types of jobs are eligible for EB3 visa sponsorship, and how to find and apply for them.

What is EB3 Visa Sponsorship?

EB3 visa sponsorship is a process where a US employer files a petition with the US government on behalf of a foreign worker, and agrees to sponsor their EB3 visa application and help them obtain a green card. The US employer also has to provide evidence that they have a valid job offer for the foreign worker, that they cannot find a suitable US worker for the position, and that hiring the foreign worker will not harm the wages and working conditions of US workers.


EB3 visa sponsorship is not a guarantee that the foreign worker will get a visa and a green card to work and live in the US. The foreign worker also has to meet the eligibility and requirements of the EB3 visa category, and pass the security and background checks. The final decision on the visa and green card application is made by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the US Department of State (DOS).

EB3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs USA
EB3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs USA

What Types of Jobs are Eligible for EB3 Visa Sponsorship?

The EB3 visa category has three subcategories, each with different eligibility and requirements. The subcategories are:

  • EB3-A: This subcategory is for skilled workers, who are persons whose jobs require a minimum of two years of training or experience, not of a temporary or seasonal nature. The skilled worker must meet the educational, training, or experience requirements of the job offer. Examples of skilled workers are carpenters, electricians, plumbers, chefs, etc.
  • EB3-B: This subcategory is for professionals, who are persons whose jobs require at least a US bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent degree, and who are members of the professions. The professional must possess the degree and meet any other requirements of the job offer. Education and experience may not be substituted for a bachelor’s degree. Examples of professionals are teachers, engineers, accountants, lawyers, etc.
  • EB3-C: This subcategory is for other workers, who are persons performing unskilled labor that requires less than two years of training or experience, not of a temporary or seasonal nature. The other worker must meet any other requirements of the job offer. Examples of other workers are janitors, farm workers, housekeepers, etc.

These are the types of jobs that are eligible for EB3 visa sponsorship, but there are other factors that may affect the availability and demand of these jobs, such as the labor market conditions, the employer’s preferences, the visa cap and backlog, etc.

How to Find and Apply for EB3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in the US?

Finding and applying for EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US can be challenging, but not impossible. There are some strategies and resources that can help you in your search, such as:

  • Use online platforms that specialize in EB3 visa sponsorship jobs: There are some online platforms that focus on connecting foreign workers with US employers who offer EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US. For example, Immigration Office Solutions is a platform that provides a list of current EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US, in various fields and locations. The platform also provides guidance and support throughout the EB3 visa process. Another example is EB3 Direct, which is a platform that matches foreign workers with US employers who have pre-approved EB3 visa petitions, and who are ready to hire and sponsor them.
  • Use online platforms that filter jobs by EB3 visa sponsorship: There are some online platforms that allow you to filter jobs by EB3 visa sponsorship, or indicate whether a job offers EB3 visa sponsorship or not. For example, Indeed is a platform that allows you to search for jobs by keyword, location, and other criteria, and also has a filter for “EB3 Visa Sponsorship” under the “Salary Estimate” section. Another example is ZipRecruiter, which is a platform that allows you to search for jobs by keyword, location, and other criteria, and also has a filter for “EB3 Visa Sponsorship” under the “Job Type” section.
  • Use online platforms that have a large number of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs: There are some online platforms that have a large number of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs, or that are popular among US employers who offer EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US. For example, Monster is a platform that specializes in job listings, and has a lot of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in various fields and locations. Another example is Glassdoor, which is a platform that provides company reviews, salaries, and job listings, and has a lot of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in various fields and locations.
  • Use online platforms that have a global reach: There are some online platforms that have a global reach, and that can help you find EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US from anywhere in the world. For example, LinkedIn is a platform that connects professionals with employers, and has a lot of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in various fields and locations. Another example is Stack Overflow, which is a platform that connects developers with employers, and has a lot of EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the software development field.
  • Use your network and referrals: One of the best ways to find EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US is to use your network and referrals. You can reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, alumni, mentors, or anyone else who might have connections or experience with EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US. You can ask them for advice, recommendations, introductions, or referrals to potential US employers who offer EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US. You can also use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to follow and interact with US employers, organizations, or individuals who offer EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US, and to showcase your skills, achievements, and interests. You can also use professional networking platforms, such as LinkedIn, to create and update your profile, to join and participate in groups, to follow and engage with influencers, to apply for jobs, and to request and receive endorsements and recommendations.
  • Use your education and skills: Another way to find EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US is to use your education and skills. You can look for opportunities that match your educational background, qualifications, certifications, or credentials, and that require your skills, expertise, or experience. You can also look for opportunities that are in high demand, or that have a shortage of qualified workers in the US, such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), healthcare, education, etc. You can also look for opportunities that are related to your interests, passions, hobbies, or goals, and that allow you to showcase your creativity, innovation, or problem-solving abilities. You can also look for opportunities that are aligned with your values, mission, or vision, and that offer you a chance to make a positive impact, or to contribute to a cause that you care about.

These are some of the online platforms and strategies that can help you find and apply for EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US, but there are many others as well. You can also use general job boards, such as CareerBuilder, SimplyHired,, etc., and look for keywords such as “EB3 visa sponsorship”, “EB3 visa”, “green card sponsorship”, etc., in the job descriptions or titles.

H1B Visa Sponsorship Requirements



EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US are jobs that offer foreign workers the opportunity to work and live in the US permanently, as skilled workers, professionals, or other workers. However, to qualify for the EB3 visa, foreign workers will need to find and apply for a job that offers EB3 visa sponsorship in the US, and meet the eligibility and requirements of the EB3 visa category. Finding and applying for EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US can be challenging, but not impossible, with the help of some online platforms and strategies. We hope that this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to find and apply for EB3 visa sponsorship jobs in the US, and we wish you all the best in your job and visa process.


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