
Top Budget-Friendly Travel Destinations from Nigeria



When it comes to travel, cost plays a significant role, especially for those seeking affordable options. In this guide, we explore some of the cheapest countries to travel to from Nigeria, considering factors such as the cost of living, transportation, job opportunities, and ease of establishing a business.


  1. Benin Republic: Gateway to Affordable Living

Nestled next door to Nigeria, the Benin Republic emerges as an excellent option for budget-conscious travelers. With easy and inexpensive access from Lagos, this West African neighborhood offers a safe and economical environment. As a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), you can enjoy a visa-free stay for 90 days, and extending your visit is hassle-free.


  1. Georgia: Where East Meets Affordability

Venturing beyond Africa, Georgia stands out as an affordable gem at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Despite high unemployment rates, the cost of living in cities like Tbilisi remains considerably lower than in most European counterparts. Consider Georgia for a European experience without breaking the bank.

When considering the cheapest countries to travel to from Nigeria outside Africa, Georgia, a country at the intersection or crossroads between Eastern Europe and Western Asia should rank very high.


The cost of living in the country’s capital Tbilisi and other smaller cities are considerably lower than in most  European countries. The transportation system here is good and the costs are affordable.

If you’re looking for a cheap country to move to in Europe where the cost of living is lower and the standard of living is good, where your safety is guaranteed and you don’t face racial harassment often, you should consider Georgia.

The drawback to staying in Tbilisi is that the rate of unemployment is very high,  unless you’re an expert in Information Technology or software engineering you may find it difficult to get a job. However, you can choose to enroll in their various colleges.  The school fees are affordable.

The worst enemy you must watch out for in Georgia are those immigrants masquerading as students but most of them are scammers. Unfortunately, some of them are from your country. You will do yourself a lot of good if you can keep your distance from them, they will tell you that they are capable of fixing anything,  but in the end, they usually deliver nothing or disappear outrightly.


  1. Morocco: An African-European Blend

For those seeking a European feel in an African setting, Morocco is a top pick. Boasting a stable economy and government, Morocco offers a cost of living lower than many European countries. With a straightforward visa process for Nigerians, Morocco opens its doors for exploration and potential residency.

Morocco an African country is a place that presents you with everything European while you are living in Africa. While Morocco’s standard of living is comparatively European the cost of living here is much lower than almost all European countries you can think of. Currently,  Morocco is one of the cheapest countries with good facilities in the world.

By African standards, Morocco is not a poor country and it’s on record that it enjoys a stable economy and government. Morocco is one of the few Northern African countries you can travel to by road from Nigeria with little-known fears.

The beautiful aspect of traveling to Morocco is that getting an entry visa as a Nigerian is not difficult. When you enter and intend to stay on, you have the freedom to extend your stay by applying for a residence permit.

Please note that the authorities here in recent times are making concerted efforts to belong to the ECOWAS as a member thereby doing things that are favorable to the member states, that’s enough for you to be accommodated,  provided you do it the right way. Unlike all other adjacent Arabic countries that are hostile to Africans, Morocco is a friendly and civilized country


  1. Rwanda: A Rising Star in Africa

In East-Central Africa, Rwanda shines as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Led by a visionary president, the country has transformed into a peaceful and welcoming destination. With budget flights readily available from Lagos to Kigali, Rwanda is a compelling choice for those looking to experience Africa’s progress.


  1. Poland: Life is Good in the East

Despite being in Eastern Europe, Poland is known for its lower cost of living compared to its Western counterparts. Ideal for students and expatriates, Poland offers a high standard of living at affordable prices. Getting a Polish visa from Nigeria is often more straightforward than obtaining one for Germany, making it a practical choice.


  1. Turkey: A Gateway to Three Continents

Turkey, a bridge between Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, emerges as a preferred destination for Nigerians. With immigration-friendly policies, budget flights, and relatively affordable goods, Turkey provides an opportunity to experience a European lifestyle without a hefty price tag.


  1. Sierra Leone: West African Charm

For those on a budget, Sierra Leone in West Africa offers a multitude of benefits. From accessible transportation to visa-free entry (thanks to ECOWAS membership), Sierra Leone stands out as a safe and cost-effective alternative. With a low cost of living, friendly locals, and business incentives, Sierra Leone provides a welcoming environment for travelers and entrepreneurs alike.

For anyone on a budget and searching for the cheapest countries to travel to from Nigeria you cannot be wrong if you select Sierra Leone for obvious reasons:

  1. Sierra Leone is a West African country and there a lot of options available to reach the country from Nigeria. Hence, there is much affordable transportation by road from different parts of Western Nigeria. You choose according to your pockets. All will take you to Freetown with pleasure.

And if you intend to reach Freetown faster just head straight to the Muritala International Airport in Lagos in a twinkle of an eye you will be in Freetown.

  1. Traveling to Sierra Leone you don’t have the problem of paying for a visa in that it’s a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) you have the freedom of entering Freetown Visa-free anytime.
  2. Sierra Leone presents you with one of the lowest cost of living in West Africa and you have choices of accommodation from Youth hostels to a five-star hotel. The Choice is yours.
  3. You can decide not to eat Sierra Leonean food because your local food is abundant here.
  4. You don’t need an interpreter to move around become English is the official language and if you decide to stay longer or you’re interested in going to one of the Higher institutions here, you’re free. All you need is to make inquiries for the time their admission process is on.
  5. If you’re a business-oriented person and you intend to establish a business, you are in the right place because Sierra Leonean authorities encourage a serious-minded business person to establish a business in the country. They have a lot of incentives for a startup. But be ready to employ Sierra Leoneans to reduce unemployment problems.
  6. Doing business or schooling becomes easy for a Nigerian because many serious-minded Nigerians are operating a well-established business in Sierra Leone.

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Traveling on a budget doesn’t mean compromising on experiences. These affordable destinations offer unique cultural encounters, economic opportunities, and a chance to explore the world without draining your wallet. Consider these budget-friendly options for your next adventure from Nigeria. Safe travels!







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